1st Floor, Banyan House, Vivea Business Park, Moka, Mauritius


Bolzano Group® ERP

Bolzano Group® ERP is highly customizeable with your requirement. Our product offers wide range of modules and is highly customizable to adapt and suit your business requirements quickly. Bolzano Group® ERP solution consists of following module:

  • Employee Management Information System
  • Attendance Management System/ Leave Management System
  • Contract Management/Billing Hours with the client/Overtime etc (monthly, hourly work etc)
  • Task Management System (to manage any task until its completion)
  • Payroll Management System
  • PaySlip Generation
  • User Account Management Module
  • Accounting

Bolzano Group® CRM

Bolzano Group® CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a product highly customizeable according to your business requirements that offers to manage a company's interactions and relationships with both current and potential customers. CRM software enhances the customer relationship through managing customer interaction, tracking leads, and streamlining processes.